We’re Getting Married!

SATURDAY, 3rd MAY 2014


Her Story

Let me start by saying there were a couple of times that I thought this could be “it”! There was an extra special birthday dinner that I had worked up in my head that it could be more and again a romantic “no reason” wine tasting cruise in the harbor. Both events for whatever reason I had worked it up in my mind so that when the night ended with no proposal and shiny ring I was a tad disappointed!!!! So when Shaun had told me that he wanted us to get away for our 4 year anniversary the thought of a proposal was far from my mind.

We finally had a night away and it was all a surprise. As a woman this is hard to figure out what to pack and wear, in the morning we were to leave it was cold and looked like rain. I dressed warm casual but cute. We head down the highway and start with breakfast. Just having a meal alone is usually a treat for us. Our next stop is unknown. As we get into the LA area Shaun starts messing with his GPS so I know we are close to something. As I start reading the road signs I realize we are in Inglewood? Why the hell here? My first thought he is lost but I didn’t question that I just went along. Then we exit and it is not the cleanest part of town. (gulp) Soon GPS says we are at destination and we are in an industrial looking area with few business signs and I look around and the first sign is for an adult store! I look to Shaun as if he were joking with me to throw me off or something because he kept telling me he was taking me somewhere I have been asking to do. After a good laugh he finally told me what we were looking for a shooting range. I instantly get both excited and nervous. we circle the streets a few more times and finally get in the shop. Talk about a shocker! I stuck out like a sore thumb in my pretty little white sweater and high boots hair all curled. I felt like I needed a major wardrobe change. So with out my camos we make our selection and enter the range. When there are signs all over about eye and ear protection it got me nervous thinking about the true danger that was ahead. We walk to our lane and i’m sweating like crazy and Shaun keeps giving me this goofy smile like he is laughing inside at me. I am sure my nerves were all over my face. He goes first and my heart went into my throat! I jumped out of my skin and knew I didn’t know what I was thinking by wanting to do this. He decides to grab a smaller gun and after he shoots that I decide after him going a few rounds it doesn’t look so bad. I step up to the plate and had the time of my life! The first shot felt so invigorating and not long after I was ready for something bigger. We head north on the 5 again and that’s when he finally tells me our destination for the evening is Malibu! First reaction is WOW how swanky! The coast drive was beautiful and I just kept thinking what a perfect day. The hotel was absolutely beautiful. On the water with an inviting relaxed feel. Our room was perfect with all the bells and comfort. we enjoyed the view from our deck and had a drink before making our way to dinner. I had recently spoke to my brother who told me what a great spot our restaurant was at so I was excited for dinner. It also helped with my wardrobe selection! We literally drive like on the beach to what looks like a cottage house on the sand. It was fairly early so not many people were there so we had the place to our self. Location was amazing! After dinner its still early so I say lets find some fun. I hit my brother up who seems to know some Malibu spots and he sends us some ideas. All of which fail, the town is dead and sleepy. It is right after thanksgiving and a cold and now rainy night. Shaun and I decide to have our own fun and grab a nice bottle of wine and head back to our perfect room. That hot fire right next to the deck seemed like a perfect spot as it continued to drizzle to spend the remaining time together. Half way through the wine and getting into some deep conversation about our crazy life and how we ended up here I felt this spark engaging between us. At this point we were standing enjoying the lights of the distance and he turned me around to face him. There was this look about him I had never seen a mix of sheer excitement and fear! Before I could wrap my head around it he bent down and said the words I had been dreaming to hear “will you marry me”! Being the easily amused idiot that I am I see this amazing light shining on the most gorgeous ring and I say “it has a light?” who does that!? I was beyond emotional and could not believe how many tears kept streaming down my face. This is it my best friend the man that loves me with no restrictions. The man who has made me feel alive and more real than I have ever felt before. And now my Partner for life, soul mate, Husband! The next morning I could not wait to spread the news! I think everyone but me saw it coming. We had the most perfect breakfast in our room on the deck and enjoyed our first moments as Fiances!