We’re Getting Married!

SATURDAY, 3rd MAY 2014

Carly Forsse

Carly Forsse - Matron of Honor

Carly McBeth Forsse and I were soul sisters from the moment we met (ditching school) Shhhhh don’t tell mom! We have definitely seen some trouble together but have also made amazingly good memories too. No matter what life has given us both we have still remained the best of friends and sisters for life! Starting […]

Shannon Sims

Shannon Sims - Bridesmaid

Shannon and I began our friendship with a bang! Finding out we were pregnant and only two weeks apart. We grew up very fast and had each others back when no one else understood what we were going through. Our oldest children grew up very close and were like siblings and now they will be […]

Lindsay Chandler

Lindsay Chandler - Bridesmaid

Country girls for life! We always have the best of times and make an adventure out of anything we do! Life has moved you away from me many times and we have always stayed strong friends and have always picked up right where we left off. We also have endured some failed relationships together and […]

Kimberly Welch

Kimberly Welch - Bridesmaid

We’ve been friends since high school when we were young and dumb, haha. A true friend who would give me the shirt off her back if it fit :) Kimmy and I love to tear up a dance floor together. We are so lucky to have our kids so close and the best of friends […]

Nicolette Reitan

Nicolette Reitan - Bridesmaid

The little sister I never had! Your a beautiful person inside and out with a smile that lights a room. I could not be more proud of the woman you have become. Coming to know you at a young age and now having you in my wedding as a bridesmaid is so awesome. I love […]