We’re Getting Married!

SATURDAY, 3rd MAY 2014


Steven Minter

Steven Minter

Steve and I met our freshman year in high school back when we lived in Rancho Cucamonga. We were both into computers and enrolled as aids in the computer department were we would go around campus fixing computers. In the middle of my junior year I moved to San Clemente and didn’t get to hang out with Steve much. After high school Steve was driving down to San Clemente almost every weekend, this got old (and expensive) so he decided he was going to move here. Steve and I were roommates for almost 10 years! In 2003 we decided to start an internet business together that we still own and operate today. Steve is one of those friends that always goes way above and beyond for you, he will literally give you the shirt off his back. Steve and I have been through a lot together and I don’t just consider him one of my best friends, he’s a brother to me and he will always be family!